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PIELDS Engineering ‘Workshop’ was held in great success.

pields 2019-10-15 Number of views 564

PIELDS Engineering held the 2019 Workshop for two days from Sep. 5-6.


The workshop was held in Cheonan-Si, followed by management briefing, recreation and sports competitions.


During the presentation session of the management, the management was shared by executives and employees together.

It made a meaningful time sharing the company vision, Lesson Learn etc, with all employees and sharing the overall situation of the company.


After sharing the management, we had a recreation time with buffets.

In particular, recreation was prepared by the Steering Committee, which talented employees.

Recreation of paining, sating and speaking, PIELDS Golden Bell Took place one after the other.


The next day, a spots competition was held at the indoor gymnasium, with foot volleyball, strategy tug-of-war, four way dodge ball and three-legged race of two people.

Each team was enthusiastic about wining prizes such as gift.


Through this workshop, employees of PIELDS Engineering shared the management situation and held recreation and sports competitions together, giving them more time to become stronger.


After the second half of 2019, PIELDS Engineering will continue to take a step further, based on trust, teamwork and sincerity, and do its best to make both its employees and customers happy.